
    AMWA Blog

    Medical Writing Trends You Need to Know About

    It's fun to look back over the years and think about fashion trends that probably never should have seen the light of day. I’m thinking mullets, shoulder pads, and why not throw in bell bottoms while I’m at it.

    Although fashion trends come and go, trends in medical communication usually point toward practices that are here to stay. We can’t afford to ignore industry trends if we want to remain fresh and relevant. Whether we are employees or freelances, we never want to become stale, and staying on top of business trends should be part of our jobs.

    August 26, 2019 at 10:30 AM

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    Edit Smart...Edit Fast! Tips For Editing Productivity

    Writing and editing go hand-in-hand to create a masterpiece. A well-written article is like a fine piece of jewelry. Think of the content as the design of the jewelry and the editing as the polish.  Just as a ring without polish looks like a piece of lackluster metal with a potentially beautiful gem, a poorly edited article loses its charm even if the content is strong.

    July 29, 2019 at 1:00 PM

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    10 Best Practices for Managing a Remote Team

    In medical communication, as in other fields, it’s increasingly common for team members to be scattered across the country or around the globe. It’s important for managers to have the skills needed to make their remote teams successful—no matter where employees are located. Managers of remote medical communication teams face challenges including

    • Retaining valuable team members in the face of global competition
    • Ensuring that expectations are met on both sides of the working relationship
    • Keeping a remote team up to date on trends and changes in your field
    • Having the information needed to report to your superiors 
    • Obtaining the technology needed for remote team success 

    Here are some tips for addressing the challenges of managing a remote medical communication team.

    July 1, 2019 at 8:00 AM

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