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    AMWA Blog listing page

    Genevieve J. Walker, PhD, PC

    Genevieve J. Walker, PhD, PC
    Genevieve Walker, PhD (formerly Genevieve Long), is a freelance medical communicator who specializes in writing and editing in plain language for patients and other health care consumers. The owner of Bridge Health Communications, Genevieve began her medical writing career in 2002 and joined the American Medical Writers Association that same year. She is a past president of the Northwest chapter of AMWA and lives in the Columbia River Gorge area of the Pacific Northwest, where she appreciates the diversity of rural-urban, multiethnic, and cross-cultural influences on daily life. Genevieve teaches the AMWA credit workshop Writing and Designing Materials for Patient Education for AMWA and also teaches in the Medical Writing and Editing certificate program at the University of Chicago’s Graham School. In her spare time, she has tutored adult literacy learners. When she is not working on projects, she enjoys reading mysteries set in the American West, traveling with her husband, fly fishing, and keeping track of four lively Labrador Retrievers.

    Recent Posts

    5 Tips for Equity and Inclusion in Medical Writing and Editing

    Talking so everyone can hear

    We have heard the words “equity” and “inclusion” many times in recent months. But we may not all have connected them with our work as writers and editors in health, medicine, and science. How can medical communicators help create a more equitable, inclusive world?

    As writers and editors, we can play a role in giving all people the opportunity to understand and use health information so that they can participate in clinical trials, understand their health care providers’ instructions, and take other actions that help reduce and eradicate social, economic, and health disparities.

    April 26, 2021 at 10:00 AM

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