
    AMWA Blog

    American Medical Writers Association

    American Medical Writers Association
    AMWA is the leading resource for medical communicators. The AMWA Blog is developed in partnership with community members who work every day to create clear communications that lead to better health and well-being.
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    Recent Posts

    Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in Clinical Trials

    Health is much more than numbers, medications, or a clinical diagnosis. A person’s health is affected by their environment and their lived experiences. 

    July 22, 2024 at 9:00 AM

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    How to Organize Medical Writing Projects

    Welcome to the busy life of a medical communicator. Medical writers and editors are busy professionals who juggle multiple projects, teams, and tasks. 

    July 8, 2024 at 9:00 AM

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    How To Become a Medical Writer

    Medical writers are key personnel in the health care and biomedical research fields. They communicate scientific research findings and information about diseases and treatments to a variety of audiences:  health care professionals, regulatory authorities, sales representatives, patients, caregivers, and more. 

    Medical writers make scientific information accessible for readers and empower people to make informed decisions about their health.

    June 24, 2024 at 9:30 AM

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    Sharing Key Information with Consumers through Health Care and Medical Public Relations (PR)

    Health care or medical public relations (PR) is a growing niche for medical communicators that involves translating and sharing complex medical information with a general audience of patients and consumers. 

    Public relations professionals—both freelance and those employed by companies—play important roles by sharing news of medical discoveries, promoting products, and educating consumers.

    June 10, 2024 at 9:00 AM

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    Creating Sound Clinical Consensus Statements

    Clinical consensus statements and clinical practice guidelines are among the documents used to ensure that patients are receiving the best care possible and that clinical decisions reflect the opinions of the experts who are invested in excellent clinical outcomes.

    In other words, consensus statements are created when experts provide guidance for medical issues, even when the evidence is still being gathered, whereas clinical practice guidelines are developed based on high-level evidence.

    May 20, 2024 at 9:00 AM

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    An Introduction to Clinical Evaluation Reports for Medical Writers

    Before a medical device is marketed to the public, it needs to undergo a rigorous analysis to ensure that it is safe and effective. 

    Devices sold in the European Union need to meet the standards published by the International Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF), a group of regulators from around the world. 

    May 6, 2024 at 9:00 AM

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